Time once again for "Coffee with Council"! We'll be at Grounds for Celebration in

Windsor Heights on Saturday the 18th of March between 9:30AM and 11:30AM. But, I'm not alone.
This month I've invited Windsor Heights Police Chief Travis Ouverson to join me. It's the first time that a department head has been to "Coffee with Council" and I can thank my Bride, Georgie for the idea.
Chief Ouverson is "sitting in" as Chief while the City does a search for a successful replacement for Chad McClusky who went to Waukee to become Chief there. I'll share with you that Travis has a very impressive resume and a bunch of experience having served in a number of Metro locations. So, come on by, grab a cup of joe and let's visit. Bring your thoughts, questions, ideas, observations and let's chat.
Hope to see you Saturday the 18th. Michael