The goal is to be able to meet with the residents and business people of Windsor
Heights and listen to their ideas, their concerns and thoughts about our community. That's why your City Council Members are rotating Saturdays and doing Coffee with Council at Grounds for Celebration here in the village.
Coming up this Saturday the 29th I'll be at Ground for Celebration between 9AM and 11AM ready to listen. You'll find me at a table, and there will be a sign indicating what is going on.
Look, I take this seriously and I want to hear from you. Years ago when I served as the President of the Iowa Junior Chamber and as Chaplain of the United States Junior Chamber the last line of the Jaycee Creed has always guided me: "We believe that service to humanity is the best work of life." That is as true today as it was then.
I hope to see you Saturday. Thank you for reading and working toward a better community for our residents and businesses.