Time once again for Coffee with Council. This Saturday the 18th I'll be at Grounds for Celebration here in Windsor heights to visit about what might be on your mind.

Your ideas, suggestions and have the ability to ask questions.
These are great opportunities to talk about streets, future plans our search for a police chief and our search for a new city administrator. We can talk about Economic Development ideas, our recent resident and business survey, our work to create a strategic vision for our community.
We can also discuss what a great job our Special Events Committee has done to promote Windsor Heights as not only a great place to live and work but also a wonderful community that offers some serious quality of life events.
See, there is plenty to talk about and I'm here to listen. Should you ever want to visit by phone you can reach me at 515-570-2220 or my city email is michael.libbie@windsorheights.org my personal email is MPLibbie@gmail.com.
If we don't meet up on Saturday at Grounds...we will catch up at some point.